how to navigate eclipse season
Return to love. “May peace be with you. May peace be with you.” The tender whispers of Susie Ro vibrates in the background of my cozy home office, as I write these words. If you want to feel the nuance of the eclipse as you read, click here to play it on spotify, 10/10 recommend. This energy is big….and deep.
We must tune into love during an eclipse of the moon, or we can feel devastatingly crushed.
I have been studying astrology and learning from nature since I was a small child. I knew it all from these sources. Laying under the stars at my country home in Michigan, the moon spoke to me.
The planets guided me.
The stars told me the stories my deep, old soul craved to reconnect with.
As an adult, I found myself reconnecting to what I knew as a child - the communication with the sky and earth revealed to me God’s love. Truth.
Eclipses are a potent moment where Earth and sky are so closely merged. That which we knew as children under the stars, is easy to touch.
The illusions fall away and we are face to face with raw, real, and inescapable truth. This can be difficult for our ego’s to accept — wholeness. We often want to look away from dark, turn our cheek to pain, and stay in the delusion that ecstatic bliss comes from pushing down the inevitable darkness that comes with the light.
But true liberation is to shine a light on the darkness and not be afraid. To trust in love. To remember the depth of love. To be free is to find solace in it all.
To understand how Eclipse’s can effect us, first we need to know what they are and who are the main players involved?
The sky and earth show us how to find peace even in the darkness.
A solar eclipse happens when, at just the right moment, the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth. Solar eclipses can only happen on a new moon.
During a solar eclipse we are working with the energies of the sun and the moon.
The moon being our inner world, our hidden emotions, and how we navigate our feelings.
The sun being our outer, manifest world, and how we relate with the world around us.
This has much to do with self exploration and finding harmony and balance in our lives.
How to work with this energy…
inner exploration for outer manifestation
The moon casts it’s shadow on the sun reminding us that we must look at the hidden parts of ourselves that we are often too busy to address. Given that we have many responsibilities, duties, and tasks to maintain day to day, it makes sense that we can not always spend time in the underbelly of our feelings. Nor, do I believe we should. It can cause us to get swallowed up by grief, sadness, or the truth that harshness as well as beauty coexists and you will never be able to “fix” everything into an idea of perfection served up by false concepts of reality…here on Earth.
The beautiful part about following the energetics of moon cycles is that is gives us moments of introspection and opportunities to relieve ourselves of densities that would other wise live rent free in our subconscious and unconscious.
We often wonder, what do I need to DO to be in more harmony in my life? To receive the abundance I desire? To feel liberated from heaviness and resistance to expansion?
We have to conjure the courage to accept it all in an equanimous place. Meaning, not attached, everything moves through. The clinging and hoarding is what keeps us chained.
The solar eclipse is an opportunity to go there, into the dark for a moment, and remember you are the lighthouse. You are the love. You are the one who gets to choose how to respond, engage, interaction, with the world around you.
In some sense, I see it as an opportunity to remember how protected you are and in your power you are, it is a new beginning. The start of something fresh in your life.
3 things to do during a solar eclipse:
Get clear on what you really want out of life. Not just the money, the things, the recognition…Go deeper. How do you want to feel? How do you want to serve? What do you want to experience? What mark do you want to leave? What is your soul craving?
Notice where you are pushing away. Is it because of shame, unworthiness, fear? Where is the space that doesn’t want to let it in? And witness it without judgement. What might you need so that you can fully embrace the wholeness of your life without wishing you did it differently at the end?
Be the light. To be magnetic with the life you desire, you must let go of past identities that are tipping the scales out of balance. Conformity is like throwing away our free will. Choosing will always be harder than leaning into what is familiar, comfortable, or accepted. To be the reflection of light to others and activate more potential on this planet for love and peace, you must let go. You must choose the path that may ruffle feathers or be the “different” one in your space. Stay calm and centered.
Remember you are in control of your life. You are here to illuminate the world with your magic. Don’t hide, be seen.
Stay Limitless xx,
You know your message is big and your impact could help so many people! Now is the time to get it out into the world with out the resistance and feeling like an imposter…you are HERE for a reason! And it is to share your medicine.
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