Unlock your unique content strategy and amplify your magnetism for confident and consistent client attraction

turn your social media presence into your magnetic marketing machine

The doors are open ⚡️

The doors are open ⚡️

Want to be hearing CHA-CHING 💸 from your marketing, instead you’re hearing crickets?

Frustrated with yourself because you have the vision but the plan falls flat?

Your road was paved with good intentions - but let’s be real, intentions don’t manifest your dream life…actions do, and you’re ready for the roadmap!!

Tired of exhausting yourself with overthinking and self sabotage?

You know you are ready for the success and I promise, it’s just a few shifts away!

You want out of the “friend zone” on social media and are ready to be the expert and go-to leader.

A.k.a. people are hanging out and buying vs. just saying “yes girlllll” You are ready to claim your authority, be the person everyone raves about, and have testimonials galore to prove it!!!

By The End of the Main Character Mini Mastermind You Will:


Clarity and Confidence: Gain laser-focused clarity on your niche and messaging, empowering you to attract your ideal clients with ease.


Strategic Growth: Develop a customized social media strategy that amplifies your reach, engages your audience, and converts followers into loyal customers.


Unlock consistent sales: Implement my tried and true strategies to turn your followers into ready to pay fans and not only that, feeling wildly confident as you step into the spotlight!


(3 month 1:1 and group coaching)

Wave Goodbye to Frustration and Hello to Success in Your Online Business!

Hey you magical creator! You're bursting with creativity, brimming with ideas, and driven to create an impactful and profitable online business, but feel like you're spinning your wheels—I'm here to help!


You finally decide to start creating your business using your unique gifts and being serious about making income online! You had been resisting it for a long time because of the overwhelm of being unsure of what to do next or how to intentionally put yourself in the spotlight without all the self sabotage.

But now you feel empowered because you don’t have to do it alone or piece together information from random google searches.

You brought in a pro (me!) who has used social media for the last 10 years to create multiple different styles of businesses online!

It’s my passion to support your vision coming to life and make every step clear and purposeful.

Together, we tailor every aspect to fit your unique desires, making the entire process seamless.

Here’s what we will do together!

✅ Start with an audit your current social media. Everything from your bio, posts, brand vision, and messaging.

✅ Deep dive into your vision, mission, goals, and create bench marks for success from your marketing efforts

✅ Clearly define your niche and dream client’s struggles, frustrations, desires, and how they will connect with YOU best

✅ Create a 30 day marketing strategy that will align you to your goals.

✅ Set up your funnels, emails, and opt -ins to support the desires of your dream clients and create “I’m in energetics” while you let your marketing do the work for you!

✅ Get energetic and astrological support so you can integrate your plan and master your brand voice without feeling self conscious!

❌ You no longer obsessively check likes and emails because sign-ups are flowing in naturally. You feel confident and assured that your efforts are paying off.

❌ No more posting and ghosting because you are overwhelmed and overstimulated

❌ Stop looping yourself in the same spiral of doubt and self sabotage and start thriving!

I’ve been lost in the sauce with my big dreams and felt stuck making it happen!

been there, done that, got the T-shirt.

And my friend, here's the deal:

🔍 You’re not failing—you just need a few tweaks in your energy, focus, and strategy! Often, we're too close to our own process to see what needs changing. With 14+ years of entrepreneurship and a stack of energy healing and astrology certifications, I can help you pinpoint and shift what's not working.

💡 Overwhelm shouldn't be your daily emotion. If juggling tasks and feeling directionless sounds like your reality, let’s turn that around!

If you're thinking, “Yasss, you read my mind!” then let me be your Capricorn sidekick and ultimate hype girl to get you from stuck to thriving!

What to expect and what’s next:

In our deep dive coaching adventure, you'll experience a magical blend of intuition mastery and roll-up-your-sleeves strategy. Get ready to wave goodbye to frustration and hello to the success you deserve!


This flexible Mastermind gives you the unique and custom attention of a 1:1 container, with the masterminding, brainstorming, and support of a group container! In my opinion, the best of both worlds.

  1. Personalized Coaching: Each month, you’ll have a dedicated 90-minute Zoom call where we dive deep into your specific challenges, offering you tailored strategies and actionable steps PLUS…BONUS of having a 1:1 attention, support in moving through emotional and mental blocks that come up as you put yourself in the spotlight!

  2. Ongoing Support: With access to my private podia platform where supportive tools and integrative information is stored so you can find answers to things others on the same path are asking AND get video step by step screen shares, pdf downloads, and video recorded instructions on how to do the tasks you’ve been randomly googling.

  3. Monthly group call: for Q+A check in, community connection, and help regulating to your next levels of growth!

  4. Expert Guidance monthly: From refining your niche messaging to creating irresistible offers, I’ll guide you through every step, helping you build a business that feels fulfilling and profitable.

The investment

  • 3 Months @ $3,499 : Why the timeline? Because you are committed to long-term growth and transformation! You are in a launch phase, building, or growth expansion and I have found tremendous value in having a helpful guide to support integration and longevity! Plus, you get the added benefit of complimentary access to my signature Main Character Energy course (valued at $695) ($1500)

Fill out this application to secure your spot! There are only 10 spots available at a time. P.s you can always add on an extra month if you need it! I will respond via email within 24 hours with your next steps

Super excited to say HELL YES, I’M ALL IN! But, maybe you have a few questions before pulling the trigger?

Girl, I got you. Click here to schedule a complimentary discovery call and let’s get all your questions answered so you can fly high!


Guiding women back to their truth is my passion.

I create spaces for you to expand, find your voice, and follow your dreams.

I have 14+ years of experience in growing multiple beauty and wellness businesses, selling out retreats and events, and coaching creatives to connect deeper with their intuition and share their gifts on their terms.

Working with me and my methods will help you expand your consciousness, realize your limitless potential, and fearlessly express yourself in alignment to your soul. I believe we already have everything we need inside of us, sometimes on our path, we just need someone to hold space for us to unearth the magic. I can’t wait to work with you in this container of growth, it is an honor to walk alongside you as you expand into new levels of your business and life!

See you soon!



  • “I have to tell you my coaching session with Kelli was the best I've ever had. Kelli is so real, down to Earth, and easy to talk to. She helped me listen to my own intuition and guidance. She is seriously the best!”

    Jessica Bynum - Reiki Master + retreat hostess

  • "Working with Kelli opened me up to a new way of life that I am so grateful for! Having a proper support system in crucial for healthy growth and she holds that space so well."

    Michelle Ward - hairstylist + traveling educator

  • Working with Kelli impacted my mental health and realization for my business to change in a completely different direction. She helped me fully realize what I wanted for my business and leadership journey. My stress levels have tremendously lowered because of her teachings!

    Camie Schloemann - hairstylist + freelance graphic designer

At the foundation of all of my work is the 4 elementals.  They represent all aspects of our life, work, being, and how we co-create with the greater universe.

Through Kelli’s signature meditative practices, creative marketing and sales processes, and her ability to intuitively channel through a session, she will help you get to the root of each elemental aspect to create your signature manifestation map.

  • Water

    We will address your emotional state in business & dream up an ideal situation that feels aligned through meditation and accessing your inner vision.

  • Air element


    Through access to inner hearing, we will open up lines of communication for how to express the visions you want to cast.

  • fire element


    You will transmute attachments to expectations, outdated dreams, or old ways that are no longer serving you or your creative direction.

  • earth element


    Transform the inspiration, vision, & energy into form with a written plan of action, custom protocols, & integrative guidance to bring the dream manifestations into reality.