Spring thriving guide

I love storms. In Michigan, where I live, a storm is a good sign that warmer, sunnier, and greener times are coming. I was sitting on my porch yesterday watching the wind whip through the leafless trees wondering what Mother Nature was saying? I closed my eyes and listened to the whistles between the branches, the creaks amongst the tree trunks, and powerful gusts build momentum in the distance.

As the wind lulls, a song emerges.

One of precious new life dancing with the grief of all the yesterdays before. A peaceful tune, something like a celebration of life memorial for a loved one versus a traditional funeral. There is weeping and laughter and sorrow and joy. A harmonious symphony of who we were, who we become, and who we are.

The spring storm tells a story of impermanence, flow, surrender, change, and new beginnings.

In my elemental nature philosophy the entirety of spring has the essence of the element air. Associated with intellect, communication, knowledge, adaptability, and the ability to comprehend complexities whilst connecting them simply to others. This intelligent season of new life is smack dab in between the deep waters of winter’s intuition, healing, resting, and learning solitude and the momentous summer fire that gives us the the strength to start the process all over again in the autumn.

To be guided by a map of the stars is a great way to ebb and flow through our Earth bound seasons. In spring we start with the beginning of the zodiac, Aries rooted in fire to initiate us into a new connection with self. Then into Taurus, a grounded connection with our material world. And lastly into Gemini, a meeting of spring air and cosmic air— showing us what it is to embody duality and simultaneously not be attached to any of it.

If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere. -Vincent Van Gogh

Because there is no separation, we are always shifting into the next element or season seamlessly. I think this is why Aries season, or the first month of spring after the equinox is so emotional. We are entering the 1st house of the self. Grieving who we once were with full awareness we have an opportunity to be reborn, fresh, and new. Cleansed from the winter water.

Common themes that may emerge when Spring arrives:

  • Feelings of unworthiness, thinking we are not deserving of something more than what we have had.

  • It can feel overwhelming if we are too in our heads, well…what am I to do now? What’s next?

  • We may also notice feelings of resistance to change. The mind likes to hang on to what is familiar.

  • Excitement for a fresh start and momentum to make changes.

  • A yearning to release the last bits of stored up energy from the past season.

  • Energy and motivation, but not knowing where to start.

*Of course we are all in a unique place on our journey so, some of these may align more than others. Also depending on your personality and how you handle universal energy. These are in alignment with the initiatory theme of air & fire.

In light of the Earth bound focus on Air, meet these feelings with questions. Yes, be the person who talks to yourself. Ask yourself when these feelings arise,

“what are you trying to teach me?”

“show me the answer that I know lies within me.”

“what do I need to find balance in this shift?”

“how can I use this awareness as a tool to benefit me and my growth?”

That is the power of spring air….change and freedom.

Here is an astrological map of how to flow within spring from an astrological point of view:

Spring astro energy quick guide:

Aries= fire (momentum), 1st house (self), cardinal (initiatory)

Taurus= Earth (grounded), 2nd house (material world), fixed (stamina)

Gemini= Air (mind), 3rd house (communication), mutable (change)

Looking for more?

If you are interested in this way of thinking, moving, flowing, and being check out my virtual support membership Limitless Portals. I provide you with yoga, breath work, energy healing, journaling, community, lunar guidance (yes, you can layer in the moon to this process!) that line up with all of the topics we discussed today. You will also have access to seasonal live workshops with me to help you plan, align, and integrate.

Thank you for bringing your light into this world. Please reach out if you have any questions and let’s stay connected over on instagram where I share so much more about life, love, energy, astrology, and expanding into your limitless soul.

Stay limitless and welcome to SPRING!



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