3 things you need to know when choosing your next focus

Hey Fam! Recording this season has been a blast, and I'm excited to share my thoughts on three crucial factors when choosing your next focus. 

Reflecting on my past, I used to be all about the quick buck, hustling and making choices solely based on immediate gains.
But I realized I was feeling burnt out and unfulfilled. 

So, I discovered the three things you need to know when shifting directions and pursuing a higher vision.

it's essential to tune in and discern whether the next direction aligns with your soul or ego. The soul's path may be harder, but it feels liberating. 

Second, ask yourself if you're willing to let go of your old self and embody who you're becoming. Embrace growth and change on this new path. 

Lastly, be ready to commit to the long game, rather than seeking quick fixes. Remember, true fulfillment and abundance often come from sustained effort and dedication.

I recently experienced this shift in my life, choosing a path that challenged me, yet set me free. I decided to embrace the unknown and trust in the process, breaking free from limitations and finding limitless potential. The amazing community and ground breaking transformations we are helping people make at Healy are exactly what I was looking for. If you’d like to hear more on that, you can here.

Remember, you can do anything you desire; you have boundless creative power. Choose with intention, stay true to your highest vision, and be open to the magic that awaits you. 

So, go ahead and take that leap; the journey is just beginning! 

If you're ready to make these choices, take a listen to this week’s episode let's connect over on instagram and together we'll unlock the path to your true potential. 

And don't forget to leave a heartfelt review on iTunes to share your impact and be part of our generous giveaways. 

You deserve all the joy, abundance, and community life has to offer!
See you next week with more limitless inspiration.

With limitless love and light,



How to ask your inner wisdom for a sign.


Finding Balance: 3 Powerful Strategies for Harmonizing Your Hustle & Flow