How to fine-tune your frequency

I recently had an incredible conversation on “Allow Me to Claire-ify” podcast with Claire Campagna, where we delved deep into topics that truly resonate with me on a spiritual level. 

First, a little about my friend, Claire. She’s an Intuitive Alignment Coach specializing in entrepreneurs, an Aquarius stellium with a Pisces heart, and a passionate Human Design enthusiast. Her mission is to guide overwhelmed entrepreneurs towards personalized paths of flow and freedom. By aligning businesses and lives with their unique energetic blueprints, Claire helps create lasting fulfillment. 

We touched upon these points that I believe hold the power to unlock our fullest potential and guide us towards a more aligned and fulfilling life journey.

The Power of Taking Risks and Embracing Change:

During our chat, we talked how stepping out of our comfort zones and taking risks is essential for personal growth. Embracing change, even when it feels uncertain, can lead us to remarkable transformations. I shared my own experience of leaving stability to pursue my passions, emphasizing that the first step is often the hardest but can also be the most rewarding. Just like a freestyle rapper fearlessly improvises, we, too, must let go of hesitation and leap into the unknown. 

Frequency and Energy as Catalysts for Transformation:

We dived into the fascinating realm of frequency and energy, which play a profound role in shaping our experiences. Just as astrology provides insights into our unique personalities, embracing frequency through tools like the Healy device can help harmonize our bioenergetic fields. This alignment enables us to move through life with a grounded, stable foundation while expanding our consciousness and unlocking new dimensions of ourselves.

Building a Supportive Community and Balancing Pleasure and Risk:

The importance of finding like-minded individuals on a similar journey cannot be overstated. I shared how connecting with others who share your vision and mission can create a supportive and nourishing community that uplifts you. We explored the idea that, like the Taurus energy in astrology, finding pleasure in the leaps we take is crucial. Balancing the excitement of risk-taking with self-indulgence and self-care makes the journey feel less daunting and more joyful.

Our entire conversation reinforced the idea that transformation comes from within and requires our active participation. It's about embracing change, aligning our frequencies, building supportive connections, and finding pleasure in the journey.

So, as we navigate the path ahead, let's remember that every risk we take, every frequency we harmonize, and every connection we build propels us closer to the empowered, authentic versions of ourselves that we're meant to become.

I hope you take a listen, it’s such an awesome episode. We literally could have talked for hours and hours. I hope you enjoy, and please leave us some love.

You can find more about Claire and her offerings here

Stay limitless,



Honoring Our Seasons and Cycles


Healing Through Humor