This is the retreat you have been waiting for

There is a certain level of hesitation to jump when we are on the edge something unknown.  It’s that crawl back into our shell - pull the blanket over our head - put the walls back up kind of feeling. 

Something within our mind knows we won’t be able to control or hide, yet we are curious if beyond the uncertainty there is something better than where we are now.  What happens when we notice that urge to run away and we courageously do the opposite? We acknowledge the fear and with our heart wide open, we leap into the abyss!  In this vast inner exploration, we meet ourselves in ways that flow us into rivers of joyful tears —we bathe in our inherent beauty —we unshackle the tightly wound tethers that had us bound to perceived limits —and in this, we realize our true limitless nature.

Welcome to Limitless Soul retreats.

The medicine you are looking for is inside you…

Hi, I’m Kelli Mason, founder of Limitless Soul and an adventurous spirit seeking to witness the divine in all things. I create these retreat experiences with one intention held high, for all who come to see themselves in the most pure light, that which they really are. Much of my life was spent running away from my luminosity and simultaneously yearning to stand in it. It’s a beautiful thing to finally find sweet surrender and share it with others. The methods I use at our retreats are practices and teachings that have been passed down to me as well as some that spontaneously emerged from my own soul. Through art, music, movement, breath, nature, and community you will reunite with your light and make friends with your dark.

It’s an honor to walk this path alongside you, we are awakening to our Limitless Soul’s.

Here are the top 5 reasons you should come treat yourself to this profound experience, I can’t wait to meet you.

I have never felt so supported, vulnerable, loved, trusted, and cheered on as I did with these individuals. Thank you Kelli for introducing us all to a world of possibilities...for showing us unconditional love and for fostering change and growth.
— Krystina


  1. You will come home to your own soul.

During our day to day lives we spend a lot of time in our heads. We have to think about work, families, money, and so many other things that need tending to as a human. Often times we don’t slow down enough to feel our feelings or even be present with the moment. We rush into the next thing and abandon the processing of emotions like grief, anger, sadness, frustration, joy, and love. We find ourselves so busy that we don’t honor our bodies as much as we should or notice the thoughts that are leading us in endless loops of stuck scenarios. Often times when we do slow down in our lives we notice that we are with things we don’t like. Whether it’s how we feel, the way we look, how we are acting, or behaviors we engage with because it’s what we’ve been told is “right” or maybe we just don’t know another way.

During a Limitless Soul retreat you are giving yourself the gift of time, space, and permission to slow down and be with the wholeness of yourself. You will have an opportunity to move the energy that has been weighing you down or keeping you in a cycle that is not serving you. Your awareness will increase and you will see that shedding roles, identities, and attachments is very possible. The most beautiful thing is that you will be doing this work right alongside other people in the same boat. Coming home to our true self seems so much more natural when we are surrounded by others in the same process. Permission to lovingly be with your whole self, without judgement, is truly transformational.

2. You will increase your connection to nature, your guides, and your intuition.

The act of removing ourselves from our familiar environment, people, and lifestyle helps us to meet ourselves in new ways. It opens up an opportunity for our vulnerability to become a superpower. When we are vulnerable we have more access to the things we have a hard time seeing or connecting with in the comforts of our own home (or shell).

I mindfully and consciously choose the location of our retreats in collaboration with my guides and my intuition. It’s important to me that each trip begins with honoring the land and having reverence of the energy of that place. By doing this it immediately opens up a connection to the nature all around. The trees speak, the plants, the water, the mountains, the animals…they all come online for us to learn from and gain deep insight on how we can heal by integrating their teachings. This is powerful and important work to learn to be slow, present, and connected to that which is a reflection of you. You are nature, too.

Being outside of your comfort zone and being inside a curated journey will help you observe your inner world. You will begin to hear a distinct difference in what is coming from programming from the outside world and what is coming from your pure soul. Through this awareness we develop a sense of gratitude for that which we recognize and now have the opportunity to heal through forgiveness, acceptance, love, and trust. Your guides may begin to appear to you more clearly, whether you already have solid connections or are new to meeting spirits with divine messages for you. Nature heals. You are nature. Here, you will remember.

We did the work! There was darkness, light, and so much love. I left with 20 deep connections to souls I’ve never met. And most importantly the realization that I am not my negative thoughts, I am so much more than that.
— Sami
My life is changed and I’m not exaggerating when I say that. This healing was something so deep, it was so personal...Hands down the best week of my life to date. If you are thinking about taking time for yourself, this is your sign, you should. You matter.
— Kellyn

3. You will learn tools to integrate into your life back home.

The idea of the Limitless Soul experience is not for you to escape. We aren’t running away from our lives, we are running home to ourselves. During the retreat a specific and very mindful process is curated for you to get in flow with yourself. You don’t have to think, do, or try. All of that has been handled for you so you can finally experience the feel, be, and surrender aspects that often go missing in our day to day lives. Our minds get so busy trying to be someone, trying to push down our emotions, and attempting to juggle dozens of identities at a time so our worlds can stay together.

What you will walk away from this retreat with is a refreshed outlook on what your life can be like when you incorporate mindfulness, compassionate communication, moving energy through the body, and what it feels like to be in your own energy.

Each retreat has a manual that we work with. You will have space for notes on practices we do, awarenesses you discover about yourself, and messages from your guides — whether it be your intuition coming into focus, high beings that begin to communicate to you, or the nature speaking from Mother Earth. You will also have community to lean on as you integrate back home. The design of my retreats is always this flow —- grounding, centering, awakening, activating, embodying, and integration. This helps to keep the process close to you…we are meant to stay in our bodies through this spiritual experience called “life” :) There is no where to go, but here.

Just what I needed for myself.
— Candace

4. We heal best in community.

There is something so powerful to witness someone going through a healing process and also be witnessed going through a healing process. We can often feel very alone and isolated in our healing journeys.

By healing, I mean: the process of making peace with our wounds, fears, shames, and hard feelings. It’s the process of honoring the wholeness of our human experience. We all have a story — we all have a past, present, and future. Being in community we are reminded that we are surrounded by love. Judgement on ourselves begins to dissolve when a whole group is vulnerable and open to heal. We learn from each other and we support each other, the way humans are intended to.

I had a life changing experience. If you get the chance to go on a Limitless Soul retreat and feel the call, GO!!! I can’t tell you how transforming a full week of this experience can be. I can’t wait to go on the next one!
— Lori

5. You will create life long memories and friendships.

When we get out of the comforts of our personal lives and meet new people, we find the people we didn’t even know we were searching for! All of the retreaters say they don’t want the experience to end because of the energy that was so beautifully cultivated together. Luckily, we have the internet and many more events planned for the future! This is just the beginning so a life long journey.

Here is some Limitless Love our retreaters had to say!

“My life is changed forever.” -Jenny

“I came back a changed human.  Not changed from who I was, but from who I wasn’t.  I came back as my true self.” - Briana

“It was so beautiful to be in the presence of other awakened souls, I will forever hold these moments deep in my heart.” -Lauren

“It wasn’t about showing up on instagram, it was about healing for ME! It was about community of like minded people, it was about support, self care, self love, self acceptance. It was alignment of mind, body,, soul. My life is changed and I’m not exaggerating when I say that.” -Kellyn

“The best part was the journey within the retreat that Kelli so thoughtfully curated for us to leave not changed, but returned...returned to ourselves.  She helped us activate, awaken, release, and renew to remember who we’ve always been and that cracks in our surface is where the light gets in...for this, I will be forever grateful.”  -Kylee

I can’t wait to meet you at our next retreat!

stay limitless,


Let’s stay in touch…

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If you want to get on the waitlist for our next retreat, click here!


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